All new Sweeperbot!
Just in time for the Bay Area Maker Faire 2018, Tom Sepe revamped “Arlo” the sweeperbot with a new base, and a new upper body as well as new 3D-printed hands: tomsepe
Just in time for the Bay Area Maker Faire 2018, Tom Sepe revamped “Arlo” the sweeperbot with a new base, and a new upper body as well as new 3D-printed hands: tomsepe
Here’s a short clip of the Mech-Can-Can in action at Bay Area Maker Faire 2018 with new skirts! tomsepe
Check out this fantastic behind the scenes video of the Roadkill Saloon getting built for the Oregon Eclipse 2017! Thanks to Doc North. tomsepe
The Roadkill Saloon, our Wild West, Vaudeville-meets-Westworld immersive installation is featured tonight on Oregon Public Broadcasting’s Art Beat. (Skip to 12:04 for the segment about the Festival, and skip to 20:22 to just see our project.) Excerpt: Here’s the whole video: tomsepe
In defiance of the relentless dust, unwashed crowds, and uncontrollable celestial events of the Oregon Eclipse Festival in 2017, TNT Productions brought a fully immersive, 2,000 square foot robotic saloon/brothel/cabaret murder mystery funhouse to life. Featuring four belligerent robots and nine live actors inhabiting six unique scenes, an ocean of mediocre whiskey, one very famous […]